Is Alissia Roswell Really Me?

Posted by on Jun 27, 2013 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

I knew I would get asked that question about Alissia. Except for her green eyes, we look almost identical, but there’s a reason for that. Every detail about Alissia has a purpose, even her petite size and dark hair. I can’t tell you what that purpose is, but once you read the book, you will understand why I made her small like me and gave her dark hair.

As for why I chose Jesup, Georgia, as her hometown, I also had a reason for that. Jesup is a small town in South Georgia, and hunting is a big part of that town. I wanted Alissia to have that outdoorsy background instead of being raised in the city.

As you read Unexpected Metamorphosis, you will get to know Alissia very well, and I’m sure you will understand her and grow to love her. She is a very strong-willed character, and I pretty much threw her into a blender and turned it on high speed. Her personality, childhood, and even looks all play a big role in who she is and how she relates to all I put her through.

Does she look like me? Yes. Does she have a strong personality like me? Yes, that makes life and this story more interesting. Do we share the same background? No, I have never seen my father drink, and he is nothing like Alissia’s father. Although I’ve killed my share of deer in my days before moving to the suburbs, I have never seen my father with a gun, and he did not teach me how to hunt. Alissia and I do not share the same past, and although we resemble each other in many ways, we are not the same.

I love each and every character in this novel and dread the day Alissia’s story ends. Although I already have other books planned once this series is over, I don’t think I could ever love another character as much as I love her. Maybe it’s because she’s my first, and that is how it is with your first novel. She has been in my head for over a year now, and since her story has a long way to go, she will continue to be in my thoughts for more years to come.

As a writer creating an advanced plot, my mind is continuously consumed with Alissia’s life. I think of her all throughout the day and even into the night. Although I love being an author, it means I now share my life with Alissia. It really is as if I’m in another world each and every day when I write. I’m taking a break this summer and focusing on the release coming next month, but once the children start school again, I plan to focus on the next book. Once again, I will be consumed with Alissia, and it can be hard to balance reality and fantasy. I will spend an entire day typing a thick plot and once I walk away from my computer, it’s sometimes hard to turn my “work” off. Although I may be talking to a doctor or friend about various things in reality, I could actually be thinking about an advanced murder or love scene. (I do love thinking about the love scenes.)

If you have not read the first two chapters, please do so. You can then meet Alissia, and I can’t wait for you to get to know her.

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Book Review of Eon

Posted by on Jun 25, 2013 in My Reviews | 0 comments

51dKQRMJ8FL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Here’s another young adult book my friend lent to me, so I’ll give a conservative parent’s review on it.  The first book is called Eon, and the second and last is called Eona.  They were written by Alison Goodman, and although they tell the story of one person, the books are completely different in their stories.  I will keep this review limited to Eon and will type a separate review for Eona.

Although this book is considered to be fantasy, there did not seem to be much fantasy until the end.  In fact, the first half of the book mostly describes the rules and procedures of the fictional empire that has an Asian resemblance.  I was tempted to put the book down for good about halfway through, but it was the only one I had brought to the pool with me.  I continued to read it, and it eventually got better.  I even enjoyed the ending. Once you get past the first half of the book, the action begins, and there is a lot of bloodshed and death by sword. There is war and fighting and images of a baby being slaughtered. Most of the characters in this book have had a hard life due to slavery, and this is not a book filled with much happiness.

As for sexual content, Eon is a teenage girl posing as a young boy, and romance is not a consideration for her. However, she does pose as a eunuch (a male with his manly removed), and there is a hint at a romance between a eunuch man and a trans woman named Lady Dela. Lady Dela and the eunuch are both main characters in the story and are strong friends with Eon. Gender crossing is an important part of this book.

As for religious matter, they prayed to their ancestors, considered the imperial family as gods, and relied on the dragons to save the world from natural disasters.

Overall, I thought the first half of the book as drudgery to get through, but I enjoyed the second half filled with action and battles. I won’t say it was a great read, but I will say I enjoyed Eona much more than Eon. I’ve also done a review on Eona.

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Tiger’s Curse Book Review

Posted by on Jun 8, 2013 in My Reviews | 0 comments

Image19Since this is a young adult book, I will give a conservative parent’s review of Tiger’s Curse, written by Colleen Houck.  Although I don’t remember any foul language in the book, there were some steamy kisses, as this is a romance between an older teenage girl and a young prince that has spent over three hundred years living as a white tiger.

I loved how most of the events took place in India, and the author did a great job of describing the exotic food and scenery.  The book played out like Indiana Jones in that they were on an adventurous quest to stop the prince’s curse, and the series is made up of caves and temples in India.  As for the religious element of the books, the temples are filled with various gods and goddesses from India.

Overall, the story was fun, the romance was sweet, and I enjoyed the various scenes described.  However, I did have trouble accepting that two men from India having spent over three hundred years as tigers could speak English without any problems.  I can get over that though and continue with the story.

The romance was strong, but my friend and I both think the love dilemma is somewhat weak.  Obviously, there has to be a struggle in the romance, we just don’t like what they disagree on. Because of that and the way the book ended, I doubt I’ll read the next book in the series. I just wasn’t into it. However, Tiger’s Curse is supposed to come out as a movie in 2015, and I will definitely watch the movie. I expect it to be fun and adventurous with great scenery.



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Getting Ready for this Month’s Release!

Posted by on Jun 4, 2013 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

I just put up the first two chapters of Unexpected Metamorphosis on the site, and my excitement is growing over this month’s release of the novel.  I promise you a book filled with complicated romance, adventure, and lots of mysterious happenings.  I had fun writing a novel filled with surprises that will keep my readers in suspense, and I’m ready to start on the second book in the Alissia Roswell series.  I love her strong personality, and she has become a major part of my life.  I spend a great amount of my time thinking about her throughout each day.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook for a chance to win a free signed copy, and I can’t wait for you to read it!

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