I’m back! I know it’s been a while, and I owe my loyal readers an explanation. As for why I haven’t been active on my blog for the past two years or posted as much on social media, it all goes back to 2016–the election. I witnessed SO much hate online, that I honestly got disgusted with the Internet (rather, people in general). Not one to fake anything, it got hard for me to stay active online.

Being social on the Internet isn’t something I want to be a part of anymore. I’m from the era before the Internet, and after witnessing so much ugliness online, it’s not something I want to be around. For me, it’s easy to switch it off and walk away. It’s not that I personally received any hate. I just don’t like the negativity in general, and I’m done with it.

Around two years after the election, I saw another pattern that bothered me. One day at church, the girl in front of me pulled out her phone and took a picture and posted it on Snapchat during our worship singing. I continued on, not bothered by a single incident, but then, when the preacher started his lesson, an older woman took a picture and went to posting it online. I couldn’t help but cringe, thinking our society has become way too addicted to social media and our appearances.

Since then, I’ve learned of people egging others online to commit suicide. There’s also the family who lost their pregnant daughter and two granddaughters to murder by the husband/father. People actually had the audacity to stalk the family and say the woman had it coming to her for being too controlling. She had it coming to her? People actually chose the side of the murderer of two little ones, an unborn, and his wife. This is what hiding behind a screen has done to society.

Years ago I taught classes on using social media as an author, but with my personality, I can’t fake or make it work anymore. I’m one hundred percent not a people pleaser, so it was a bit hard for me back then to enjoy building my author platform. It’s not that I don’t like people, I just never cared whether they liked me or not, and going after likes on social media never set right with me–especially as an anti-conformist. I did it, and I taught others to do it. But, I’m done with it.

I’ll continue to write and make art. That’s what I do as a creative. And I’ll continue to share it with others. I just won’t put a lot of energy into going after social media likes. I’ve decided to put my focus on my website and newsletter when it comes to informing my readers.

I apologize for the long silence and hope you’ll stick around. There’s a newsletter signup in the sidebar. Because I haven’t sent one out in a couple of years, I lost all my former subscribers and had to open a new account. Please take a moment to sign up to my newsletter for news on my writing. I assure you that I won’t send out spam. In fact, I’ll rarely send out anything. I’ll mostly post on this website, and if you want to be notified of when I upload a post here, you can sign up for the second subscription in the side bar.