I would like to introduce Christine Brant to all of my followers. Please give her a warm welcome by checking out her novel titled Red and Grey. I have read it and highly enjoyed it, and you can read my review here.
Thank you so much for having me. I truly appreciate the opportunity to stop by your blog and share a little bit about myself and my writing.
Christine, thanks for taking time from your writing to give me an interview. Red and Grey is your debut novel. Have you been writing for years, or like me, it just recently became your passion?
That is actually a complicated question to answer, because it is a combination of both. I have been a storyteller all my life, but writing has only become my passion in recent years.
Allow me to clarify.
I have been telling stories since I was a young child. I used to tell my older sister stories at night when we were falling asleep in bed and I used to record stories on tapes (I just gave away my age) and play them back to myself. Just recently, I found a note from my fourth grade teacher encouraging me to write my stories down. However, it was not something I pursued until about seven years ago. At that time I was inspired after reading Kelley Armstrong’s novel Bitten and exploring her web site.
When I learned about her I felt motivated, and I began to write down some of the stories I told. In 2007 the first short story I wrote won the Surrey International Storytellers Award. The next year I started writing Red and Grey.
Congratulations on that award. Please tell us a little about Red and Grey.
Red and Grey is a reimaging of the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood. During the story we see all the classic characters, Red, the wolf, the grandmother, the woodcutter, but I have tried to use them in ways that will intrigue the reader and keep them involved in the story of Connor and Melody. There is magic and good versus evil, plus a few twists and turns that I hope will keep the readers interested and excited.
What inspired you to write such a creative story with hints of Little Red Riding Hood? You really did an amazing job on tying it all together and keeping it full of suspense and intrigue.
Thank you, I am honored that you feel that way. I first got the idea for Red and Grey at a writer’s conference. In a session about Point Of View, the facilitator asked us to write a few sentences of Little Red Riding Hood’s story but from the wolf’s POV.
As I listened to what everyone had written I realized that they all had the story wrong. That the wolf did not want to steal the basket for nefarious reasons, he needed that food, and I desperately wanted to know why.
I went home and immediately started to write Red and Grey intending to tell a short story just to find out the answer for myself. What I envisioned as a short story, evolved and developed into the novel Red and Grey.
I was thrilled to learn why Grey needed the food. 🙂
When do you expect the next book in the series to be out, and do you have a name for it yet?
I have no idea when the next book will be out. I am writing it now. It is a long process to go from the initial draft to final published version. There is a great deal of editing and rewriting involved. However, I can tell you that there are some familiar faces in the next book and that it does continue the story of a few characters that we met in Red and Grey.
As far as a title, I have a few ideas but nothing firm. I call it something in my head but what it ends up being called in print depends in part on the publisher.
How many books do you expect will be in the series?
I am not sure. It depends on how many I need to tell the whole story. I have at least three more plot lines in this universe that I want to explore. Possibly more, I will not make any firm statements.
Do you have any plans for future projects once finished with this series?
I have several other ideas that I want to explore. My problems is less about coming up with new ideas and more about staying focused on the world I am writing in at the present moment.
What do you do when you’re not writing?
I heard cats and children. I also work a day job to make money, writing doesn’t pay the bills. I do that because it is a compulsion. I need to tell stories.
I also love to read. I have always loved to read. I devour books. I like everything from teen fiction to mysteries. I love fantasy and science fiction. I read as much as I can get my hands on and as much as time allows.
What changes have you and your family had to make since you’ve become an author?
I’m not sure that my family has had to endure any major changes. Now instead of “shhh…mommy is reading.” My children occasionally have to endure “shhhh…mommy is writing.”
In all seriousness, my children are my best sales people; they are thrilled that I am a published author. They tell everyone that I have a book and advise everyone to buy it. I am often embarrassed by their effusive praise especially since they have not read the book.
I also do take the occasional weekend to go to writer’s conferences to learn more about my craft and the industry.
For me personally, I have had to learn to be more internet savvy, get a website, a keep a twitter account. Two things I would not do for myself personally but that I do maintain professionally.
What is something fun or interesting about you that you could share with the readers?
I love to ride horses. In fact, I have worked with Quarter horses and Thoroughbred race horses in the past. Even though I live in the city, I still try to make time once in a while to “run away” on the weekends to go riding.
And lastly, where all can you be found online and people buy your book?
My web site is www.christinebrant.com there are links to where you can buy Red and Grey on the site. I can also be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/christinebrantwriter on Twitter @Christinebrant
Thank you so much for allowing me to come by your blog and share a bit about my self with you and your reader. I really appreciate this opportunity.
It was an honor and pleasure to have you as my guest.