New Orleans, here we come! My mother, sister, three nieces, and I are headed that way, and I’m ready for some much loved Cajun food–my favorite kind.

Did you notice this is a family trip? And family is usually crazy. All six of us have extremely different personalities, and there’s a wide age range as well. Just from talking with some of the group yesterday, my mind is already taking in our personalities, and I can’t help but think like an author.

As an author, it’s easy for me to turn an adventure into a wild disaster. I’m already plotting and thinking of various scenarios. And since I’m the lucky driver on this trip, I’ll have a lot of time to think about it. Now I just need to get to New Orleans and take in the scenery so that I can add those details into my writing.

I guess the saying is true. Don’t get too close to a writer, or you might get written into a novel. Hmm… Should I turn Granny into a vampire in this one? 🙂