Since I may try my hand at writing young adult fantasy in the future, two of my recent reads were in that genre. I chose Alora by Tamie Dearen because she is a fellow Clean Indie Reads author. I had also read some of her work on her blog. She is currently writing a romantic comedy serial story called Elyssa Rose as weekly blog posts, which means she’s posting the story each week as she writes it. I find that brave! She can’t exactly go back and add or make changes like I so often do with my writing.

Alora is a fun read, with the main characters being fifteen to seventeen years old. Tamie kept the kissing scenes passion free, and I found that the characters acted true to their young ages. What I liked most about this YA novel, is that the author did not give many clues out as to what would happen next, and that added to the intrigue and mystery. The last few YA novels I’ve read were fun; however, I knew exactly what would happen next and how it would end–not so with Alora. Fun, adventure, an alternate reality, and some sweet teen romance filled the pages of this book.

I would definitely recommend this to teenagers that enjoy fun fantasy romances, as this one fits into that category, and it is very well written. As for adults, I would recommend you try this author’s Best Girls Series. Although I have not yet read them, I understand the series to be a romantic comedy, with the romance being between a variety of adult ages. You can also get a taste of her writing style by reading Elyssa Rose on Tamie’s website.