I was recently given a proof copy of Red and Grey, written by Christine Brant, and I must admit that I stayed up until 6:15 in the morning to finish reading it.  It’s been a while since I enjoyed a book this much, and I highly recommend it to other lovers of fantasy romance.  I even appreciate the beautiful cover design!

Although the story has some references to Little Red Riding Hood, it is done in such a creative way that I could not help but smile as it all started coming together.  It’s filled with magic, mystery, and romance, and it kept me intrigued all through the night.  It was well worth only getting two hours of sleep before my busy day began. I finished the book with a smile–and a little guilt and worry from the light starting to come through the window and the sound of birds rising from their slumber.

I easily bonded with the main characters and enjoyed the romance in this novel.  I can’t wait to see what happens next and will be watching for the next book from Ms. Brant.  This is her debut novel, and she is such a gifted storyteller.

As for my conservative parent’s rating, I will label this one R because of one slightly graphic sex scene. There were about two curse words in the book. Other than that, the characters held an old world belief when it came to sex outside of marriage.  They did not believe in it.

Be sure to click on the link below to read a detailed description of Red and Grey.  While there, you can also read the first portion of the book.  Here’s an interview I did with Christine.  Hope you enjoy!