Today’s book review is for Mark of the Dragon Queen, written by Katie W. Stewart. The story starts out at a fast pace, as a teenage girl’s life abruptly falls apart within the first chapter. The reader is then taken on an epic journey filled with magic, dragons, and adventure.

I give this book five stars. It’s a classic fantasy read where good versus a great evil. The author didn’t give any secrets away, and the plot is thick and filled with surprises. There’s a lot of action, and I don’t believe this story was lacking in any way. I can highly recommend it to anyone interested in fantasy reads.

As for my clean rating, I am very impressed with the writing of this author. Although there is death that is to be expected from an epic fantasy, there are no curse words or sexual content–not even kissing. This book is clean enough for middle grade children, yet it’s perfect for adults also. It’s an adventure you won’t outgrow.

If you love stories involving magic and dragons, then I suggest you give it a try. I’m a *cough* older woman, yet I highly enjoyed this book.