I’d like to thank FoxTale Book Shoppe for including me in this month’s Emerging Author and Discussion event. It was a pleasure meeting a diverse group of authors, along with readers. As usual, when I get back from a group authors’ event, I add more books to my reading list. Ann Timken’s personal story sounds intriguing, and I’ve added her fictional book titled Sight in the Sandstorm to my reading pile (which I hope to get to this summer after my latest release).

I had the pleasure of having two of my nieces join me for the event, which made the night even better. The downtown area of Woodstock, Georgia, is a happening place on the first Fridays during the warm months, and we ended our evening walking and enjoying the live music, lights, and ambiance. I ate an amazing black bean burger while sitting outside under the lights, and it was the perfect night.
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It was a pleasure to meet Ann Timken and then end the night with two of my nieces. New faces, crazy family, great ambiance, and delicious food. Life is good!

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