Although the fourth book in the Alissia Roswell Series is still in the writing phase, I would like to expand my list of beta readers. As a beta reader, you’ll need an eReader of some sort, and I would email you the final version of the book before its release. Your job would be to let me know if you notice any mistakes not caught in the editing stage and then to give an honest book review on Goodreads and Amazon. You will receive the book free and weeks in advance of the actual release.

If this is something you’re interested in doing, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. Once I’m in the editing stage, I’ll send out a notice and will start accepting submissions. There is a limit to the amount of betas I need, and I will add that those most active in book reviews (active on Goodreads and Amazon) will mostly be considered.

Ready for Unexpected Peril? 🙂