Are you an aspiring author with a work in progress? Since becoming a published author, I have met many people filled with questions about publishing, writing, and marketing. After many hours of research, classes and a conference, I am ready to share my knowledge with others. Do I know everything to know about being an author? Of course not! However, I wish that someone had given me all the information I now have a year before the release of Unexpected Metamorphosis. A lot of my timing was off, and I had to learn a lot from trial and error. I can save you some of the mistakes I’ve made.

Having a book published is not all about writing. There’s a lot of hard work and many hours that have to be spent in doing other things.

I love to write, and I love to talk at speaking engagements. Answering questions and helping other aspiring authors is somewhat a passion of mine. The idea of using Skype to do an hour training session came to me one night, and I’m willing to test it out. For $20 paid via PayPal, I will sit down and go over the following:

Self-publishing vs. traditional
Building a platform/social media (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon Author Page, Shellfari, Google+, etc.)
How to use all of Goodreads as an author
Giveaways (Goodreads, Rafflecopter, and Flash)
What to expect at conferences and book signings
And most importantly, when to begin doing these things. Timing is key and should begin way in advance of publication.
Be sure to have plenty of paper and pens handy, and the best part is you can ask me questions. The call is private and personal.

If this is something you are interested in, please click on the contact button in the top menu. I look forward to meeting you.
