When I started writing Unexpected Metamorphosis, it started out much simpler than the end result.  I had a vision in my head.  (No, I don’t outline.  That does not go with my random and just do it personality.  Even the thought of doing an outline makes me cringe and did while in school.)  Over time that vision grew, and the story evolved into a wild adventure.  I greatly enjoyed my dedicated plot reader trying to figure out what would happen next or how the story would go.  She would call me after reading the latest typing, and I would laugh at her attempts to figure out where I was taking Alissia and the other characters.

I hate reading a book that I know the ending before I get to it.  The best reads are the ones where the ending is a great surprise, and I never saw it coming.  As a writer, it is a game I like to play with my readers, and I like to throw little surprises of intrigue and mystery along the way.

I also like to keep things real, well in a nonliteral way.  What I mean by that is this book is definitely fantasy, but my characters don’t just happen to stumble upon a quick fix or there just happens to be what they need nearby.  Instead, when there is trouble, they have to deal with it, but don’t let that scare you away from the book.  Although there is plenty of trouble, mystery, and unknowns in Unexpected Metamorphosis, there is also plenty of complicated romance and fun scenes where you will smile and laugh.  (I know this from the feedback and even watching some of my readers as they read.)

If I had to describe this novel with one word, it would be adventure.  I took an ordinary woman with a pleasant lifestyle and took her on a wild adventure with many unexpected twists along the way.

If you have not read the first two chapters by now, please click the link on the menu at the top of this page.  Once you have finished reading, you can click here to add it to your read list on Goodreads.  You can also follow my author page by clicking here.

tianna finalsmall