Unexpected Beginning_FrontCover_FINAL_72dpiPhew! It’s been a bit chaotic these past few months. How chaotic? Let’s just say I have a full novel in my head inspired by my own personal crazy, and I look forward to writing it once I finish the Alissia Roswell Series.

As for Alissia, she’s in the midst of her own chaos right now. (I do love to throw her into the blender.) I only have around 20,000 more words to go, and my bestie is keeping my children next week so I can go on a writing binge. Hopefully, I can knock out the ending during that time and get to the proofing.

If you want to be one of the first readers and get a copy before it comes out, you should sign up for my newsletter. I’m looking for more beta readers and will send out a form during the editing phase.

I guess I should give a few hints since I failed to make my deadline this year. Hmm… well, you already have the cover, and it REALLY conveys a lot. You already have the title. It’s a new beginning for Alissia, and it’s an unexpected one. I guess I could let you know there are new creatures and environs. Of course, there are lots of unexpected surprises I threw in to make things fun.

Well, that’s enough hints for one day. I’d love to know what you’re anticipating. Is it her love life, or are you more interested in finding out about the Medicians? What intrigues you the most about her adventure? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.