There’s less than two weeks until Christmas, and I’ve done no decorating (not even a tree).  I really haven’t done much shopping, and nothing is wrapped.  It’s not that I haven’t wanted to do these things.  It’s just that the time has not been there.  My oldest daughter’s schedule has kept us busy this month with extra activities and two school projects.  We always put the tree up as a family, and that means we all need to be at home for one full afternoon.

At a party I attended the other night, someone told me that they have their tree up but not decorated.  Like me, she feels there’s not much point in doing all the work of decorating a tree for so little time.  Yet, it is a family tradition in our home, and we even buy the kids a special ornament each year that goes along with what they’ve done during that year.  (And, no, I haven’t even looked for their ornaments this year.)

I’m starting to feel the last-minute pressure, and I feel a late, online shopping binge coming my way.  I believe we have a free afternoon this Saturday, and we can put up the tree after I get home from a writer’s meeting.  I did manage to get the kids some matching Christmas outfits the other night, so I may even have time to take their pictures sitting by the tree.  That means I may be able to send out cards this year.  (I’m really random on card sending.  It’s basically every other year.)

Is this normal?  I feel as if everyone around me has their Christmas decorations out and are in the spirit of things, and I’m a Scrooge.  No matter what I do in life to downsize my schedule to slow down, it’s always crazy and hectic.  Is this because I’m a mother?  Is it like this with everyone?  If so, how did this happen to our society?

Well, I will continue to ponder my life, but I have a stack of emails and marketing that is waiting for me.  Maybe I’ll end my evening shopping from bed, and everything will arrive on time.  That is me being optimistic and living by one of my mottos.  “It’s all good.”

I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season.  May your cookies be yummy and not stick to your tummy (and thighs)!


Hmm… This is so very true.